David Richard is an American entrepreneurial engineer who has been awarded over 15 patents in his career. His patents span the chemical, optical, electro-optical, automotive, pharmaceutical and healthcare technical disciplines. His most recent patents are for the development of techniques for an Apparatus and Method for Preparing Cosmeceutical Ingredients Containing Epi-Dermal Delivery Mechanisms entailing unique methods for the continuous creation of surface charged vesicles. The son of a lumber company manager in Connecticut, he developed an interest in science during his school days. An avid reader, he was deeply influenced by the books “A Single Pebble†by John Hersey and “The Design of Everyday Things†by Donald Norman, which in part influenced him to become a more inquisitive scientist. The unwavering support of one his teachers also helped him to recognize his calling in the scientific development field. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from The University of New Haven and his Masters in Material Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His career has spanned a collage’ of industries and disciplines. As CTO of VTEC, Mr. Richard was responsible for disruptive product development and innovation in Asia. Prior to joining VTEC, Mr. Richard has served in positions including: President, Plastec, Inc., a diversified development and engineering company in polymer optics; VP of Operations, Eye Technology Incorporated, a leader in the medical devise intraocular lens industry; President, Diverse Technologies, Inc., an innovator in molecular delivery of pharmaceuticals; and VP for Engineering and F.D.A. Compliance for IOLAB Corporation, which became the origin of Johnson & Johnson’s ophthalmic franchise.
Research Interest
David Richard developed an interest in science during his school days. An avid reader, he was deeply influenced by the books “A Single Pebble†by John Hersey and “The Design of Everyday Things†by Donald Norman, which in part influenced him to become a more inquisitive scientist. The unwavering support of one of his teachers also helped him to recognize his calling in the scientific development field.

Panos Zavos
Director & Chief of Andrology
Andrology Institute of America, USA
Lexington, Kentucky
Prof. Dr. Panayiotis Zavos is a highly educated and motivated individual. He received his B.S. degree in Biology, his M.S. degree in Biology-Physiology and his Education Specialist in Science degree (Ed.S.) from Emporia State University. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Reproductive Physiology (Medicine), Biochemistry and Statistics from the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities, USA. He also earned an MBA degree. He is currently a Professor Emeritus at the University of Kentucky in Reproductive Physiology/Andrology and other Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs). Prof. Zavos is also the Honorary Chairman of the Zavos Organization, USA, the Director and Chief of Andrology at the Andrology Institute of America, President and CEO, of ZDL, Inc. USA, Founder & GM of Repromed International (Cyprus), and President of ZDL Global Ltd., also a Cyprus Corporation. He also serves as a member of the Board of Directors and advisor of several Companies and Foundations too numerous to mention. Professor Zavos has a long career as a World class reproductive specialist and he has devoted more than 40 years of his life to academia and research and clinical services. Dr. Zavos is one of the leading fertility specialists in the world and he has become one of the most looked-to doctors for men and women who are struggling with conception difficulties. Dr. Zavos is currently serving among other posts as a Life-long Board Member of the Middle East Fertility Society, is a past Board Member of the China Academy of Sciences, Advisor to the Kuwait Medical Genetic Center and Scientific Advisor to the Albar Medical Center in Saudi Arabia among many others. He was awarded the first ever Honorary Professorship by the Chinese Academy of Science awarded to an American Scientist by the Chinese Academy of Science and more recently received an Honorary Professorship by the Shri Medical University in Uttar Pradesh in India. He is also the Founder and Director of the Zavos Organization, an Organization that disseminates scientific and clinical information globally for a variety of reproductive difficulties. It’s no wonder that Dr. Zavos has picked up such accolades as the World Father of Andrology, the Father of Human cloning, a Distinguished Fulbright Scholar, the Distinguished Alumnus Award from Emporia State University, the Student Leadership Award from the University of Minnesota, recipient of the Paul Harris Fellow Award, and many many others. Dr. Zavos has a large volume of scientific collaborations nationally and internationally and his publications have appeared in more than fifteen languages, globally. He is a current or past member of a large number of professional and scientific societies, among them, the American Fertility Society, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the American Society of Andrology, the Middle East Fertility Society, The Japanese Society of Andrology, International Society of Cryobiology and many others. He has received a great deal of media Worldwide coverage both within the scientific and reproductive arena and the mainstream press for his many scientific accomplishments and pioneering ventures on stem cell research and human cloning technology development. Dr. Zavos was the first scientist to ever successfully perform intra-uterine inseminations in humans, the first to create the first human SCNT prepared embryos for reproductive purposes and use them for ET in women. He is a true pioneer in many other areas, too numerous to mention. Professor Zavos is fluent in English and Greek and is a very inspirational, dynamic, powerful, informed and articulate speaker and has been an Invited speaker and participated at a large number of speaking engagements over the years, worldwide. His speeches and debates that appeared globally have covered a large spectrum of topics dealing with human reproduction, reproductive technologies, and other high-tech topics. He has received a great deal of media coverage both within the scientific and reproductive arena and the mainstream press for his many scientific accomplishments and pioneering ventures. He has addressed the Congress of the United States twice, the American Academy of Sciences, participated at the Oxford Union Debates and has made many television and radio appearances from National Public Radio to CBS 60 Minutes, Dateline NBC, CNN News, CNN International, CBS Face the Nation, BBC World, BBC Talking Point, The Lary King Show, The View with Barbara Walters and many others too numerous to mention. No doubt, Professor Zavos is recognized worldwide as a leading researcher, a public speaker, a pioneer and a strong authority in the areas of male reproductive medicine, gamete physiology, male infertility, smoking and reproduction, Andrology and study of human reproduction along with other ART procedures, including ICSI, PGD, SCNT and other state-of-the-ART procedures. He is a true leader in his field and a World class scientist and pioneer! He is a phenomenal human being and one of a kind. Congratulations!!!
Research Interest
Reproductive Specialist in various forms of Assisted Reproductive Technologies and the “Father of Andrologyâ€, he has been very actively involved in the areas of Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Procreation and the Reproductive Medicine arena for over 45 years, particularly working in the diagnosis and treatment of human infertility with emphasis in male infertility and possible modes for establishing and maintaining a pregnancy.

Max Welling
Research Chair
University of Amsterdam and Qualcomm Technologies
Prof. Dr. Max Welling is a research chair in Machine Learning at the University of Amsterdam and a VP Technologies at Qualcomm. He has a secondary appointment as a fellow at the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR). Max Welling has served as associate editor in chief of IEEE TPAMI from 2011-2015. He serves on the board of the Neurips foundation since 2015 and has been program chair and general chair of Neurips in 2013 and 2014 respectively. He was also program chair of AISTATS in 2009 and ECCV in 2016 and general chair of MIDL 2018. He is a founding board member of ELLIS. Max Welling is recipient of the ECCV Koenderink Prize in 2010. He directs the Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab (AMLAB), and co-directs the Qualcomm-UvA deep learning lab (QUVA) and the Bosch-UvA Deep Learning lab (DELTA). He has over 300 publications in machine learning and an h-index of 68.
Research Interest
Drug Discovery, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical science, neural networks