Fernando Garcilita Núñez
CEO & Founder of PetroM Corp
PetroM Corp Mexico City, Mexico | Laredo, TX, USA
Mr. Fernando Garcilita Núñez is a seasoned executive, business owner, serial entrepreneur, customs agent and international logistics operator. Exceeding twenty years of expertise providing robust international trade services to clientele in highly-demanding industries such as oil & gas, pharmaceutical, automotive, agribusiness, military equipment, intelligence technology. Mr. Garcilita is the President & CEO of PetroM Corp (www.petrom.us) a multi-industry holding that encompasses a variety of operative divisions such as PetroM Logistics (www.petromlogistics.com), PetroM Intelligence Systems (www.petromintelligence.com), PetroM Trading (www.petromtrading.com), PetroM Energy (www.petromenergy.com), and of PetroM Pharma (www.petrompharma.com). Mr. Garcilita also serves as the Vice President & Co Founder of PetroM Renewable (www.petromrenewable.com), another division of PetroM Corp. Mr. Garcilita is also a member of Singularity University, a member of the Advisory Board in International Trade of The Solomon Brokerage Firm, and a Co Founding Partner at Mass Media Division. Social Media: Twitter: https://twitter.com/FerGarcilitaN LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/fernandogarcilita Facebook: https://facebook.com/FernandoGarcilitaNunez AngelList: https://angel.co/fernando-garcilita-nunez Flipboard: https://flipboard.com/@FerGarcilita Singularity University: https://singularityuglobal.org/profile/fernando-garcilita-nunez
Research Interest
Fernando Garcilita Núñez CEO & Founder of PetroM Corp Mexico City, Mexico | Laredo, TX, USA