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Fadil Alawi

Agrihealth NZ Ltd, Newzealand


Dr Fadil Alawi is the founder of Pharm Innovation. Fadil is an author of over 60 scientific research publications in diverse fields and has won several innovation awards. He is listed as an inventor or co-inventor on 26 patents. Fadil has also been engaged as an expert witness in court proceedings on veterinary product development.

Fadil has a special interest in dairy mastitis treatments. He is currently engaged in a joint research with a world-renowned Melbourne academic research group on the development of innovative teat sealant formulation free of bismuth subnitrate for dairy cows.

Fadil is a member of the Controlled Released Society (CRS), Australasian Pharmaceutical Scientists Association (APSA), NZ Controlled Released Society, NZ Society of Cosmetic Chemists and a chartered member of the MRACI Cchem.


Abstract : Mastitis in dairy cows: Symptoms, causes, preventions and treatments