Track 1: Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Pharmaceutical chemistry is the examination of drug compounds, and it incorporates drug progression process. This incorporates medicate revelation, conveyance, retention, digestion, dispersion, and discharge. There are components of biomedical investigation, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics. The pharmaceutical science work is generally done in research facility conditions it was fundamentally includes fixes and solutions for malady, investigative procedures, pharmacology, digestion, quality control, quality affirmation, and medication science. Pharmaceutical science prompts the professions in tranquilize advancement, pharmaceutical enterprises, and the research offices. Pharmaceutical scientists are associated with the advancement and evaluation of the restorative mixes. Each concoction that is blended must be tried for the natural movement. The field of pharmaceutical science is a remarkable and it includes immense subject matters.
Related Journals: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry | Future Medicinal Chemistry | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Track 2: Pharmaceutical Chemistry Novel Aspects
The pharmaceutical chemistry is an sub-division at the intersection of chemistry, especially synthetic organic chemistry, and pharmacology and the various biological specialties, where they are involved with the drug design, chemical synthesi’s and development for a market, or bio-active molecules. Particularly in, pharmaceutical chemistry in its most common guide focusing on small organic molecules/entities encompasses the synthetic organic chemistry and aspects of natural products chemistry and computational chemistry in close combination with chemical biology, enzymology, and structural biology, together targeting at the drug discovery and development of new different therapeutic agents. It involve’s the chemical aspects of identification, and later systematic, thorough synthetic alteration of new the chemical entities to make them appropriate for therapeutic use. It includes the synthetic and computational aspects to study of existing drugs and agents in development in relation to their bio-activities i.e., understanding their structure-activity relationships. Pharmaceutical chemistry was focused on quality aspects of medicines and aims to assure fitness for purpose of medicinal products.
Related Journals: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry | Future Medicinal Chemistry | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Track 3: Pharmaceutical Bio-chemistry
Pharmaceutical biochemistry consist’s the data of biochemistry & chemistry and applies to the production of many helpful medicine. It principally issues, with the science of medicine, and their clinical uses and therefore to study of their adverse effects on living organisms. It provides a whole understanding of the chemical processes occurring and related to the living cells at molecular level that's associated with drug action. It was conjointly help’s to acquire the data on adverse effects, molecular targets, & characterization of medicine or the different chemical substance within the living cells & organisms.
Related Journals: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry | Future Medicinal Chemistry | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Track 4: Prospectives of Medicinal Chemistry
Medicinal chemistry involves in curing and providing the remedies for disease, analytical techniques, pharmacology, metabolism, quality assurance, and drug chemistry. There are elements of biomedical analysis, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics. Medicinal chemistry work is usually done in a lab setting. In the development of the pharmaceutical agents, synthetic organic chemistry and chemical synthesis are involved to give the desired bioactive molecule.
Related Journals: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry | Future Medicinal Chemistry | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Track 5: Ethno Pharmacology
Ethno medication is an examination or assessment of the standard medication rehearsed by various ethnic get-togethers, and especially by the indigenous society. The word ethno medication is a portion of the time used as a proportional word for a regular arrangement. Ethno clinical investigate is interdisciplinary; in its examination of regular pharmaceuticals, it applies the techniques for an ethno organic science and therapeutic human investigations. Routinely, the solution shows that, it considers are protected just by oral custom.
Consistent ethno clinical considers comprise either anthropological research or the prescription exposure investigate. Anthropological assessments break down the social acknowledgment and setting of an standard pharmaceutical. The purpose behind the steady disclosure analyse is to perceive and develop an appealing pharmaceutical thing.
Related Journals: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry | Future Medicinal Chemistry | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Track 6: Drug Discovery, Design & Development: Challenges & Approaches
The drug discovery changes with the change in the dosage forms and the environmental conditions or demand. Drug development faces the double challenge of increasing the costs and increasing the pressure on pricing. The medication configuration includes the plan of such particles that are like the bio sub-atomic objective site fit as a fiddle and charge so as to tie to it. To avoid that lack of perceived commercial perspective will leave the existing medical needs unmet, pharmaceutical companies and many other stake-holders are discussing ways to improve the efficiency of drug Research and Development.
Related Journals: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry | Future Medicinal Chemistry | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Track 7: Hetero Cyclic Chemistry
The heterocyclic compound will contains one or more heteroatoms in a ring which focuses on aromatic systems. Heterocyclic systems are an important building blocks for new materials possessing interesting electronic, mechanical or biological properties. All natural products, pharmaceuticals, agrochemical contain at least one heterocyclic unit. The synthesis, properties, and applications of these heterocyclic compounds can be known by attending the Pharma Chemistry Conference.
Related Journals: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry | Future Medicinal Chemistry | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Track 8: Toxicology
Toxicology is a field of science that will helps us to understand the harmful effects that chemicals, substances, or situations, can have on people, animals, and the environment. Some refer to toxicology as the “Science of Safety” because as a field it has evolved from a science focused on studying poisons and adverse effects of the chemical exposures, to a science devoted to studying safety. Toxicology uses the power of science to predict what, and how chemicals may cause harm and then shares that information to protect the public health.
Related Journals: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry | Future Medicinal Chemistry | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Track 9: Biopharmaceutical and Biologics
Biologics are the genetically engineered proteins derived from human genes. They are designed to inhibit the particular components of immune system that play pivotal roles in fuelling inflammation, which is a central feature of rheumatoid arthritis. The patho-physiologic rationale for, and clinical application of, biologic agents in management of autoimmune diseases, cancers, or other pathologies, where the molecular target can be identified.
Related Journals: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry | Future Medicinal Chemistry | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Track 10: Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
Sub-nuclear pharmacology oversees understanding the sub-nuclear explanation behind the exercises of drugs and the characteristics of relationship between sedate particles and those of the substrates of medicine action in the cell. The procedures for nuclear pharmacology fuse precise logical, physical, engineered, sub-nuclear regular and all the biochemical and cell natural frameworks to perceive how cells respond to hormones or pharmacologic experts, and how blend structure associates with the natural activity.
Related Journals: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry | Future Medicinal Chemistry | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Track 11: Computational Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Computational chemistry indulges in solving the chemical problems which are raised in the biological component by using the computer simulation. Computational chemists develop and apply computer programs which play the key role in answering the questions in biochemistry. The methods of the computational chemistry range from approximate to highly accurate value. The structure and properties of molecules and solids are calculated by theoretical chemistry which incorporates into efficient computer programs.
Related Journals: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry | Future Medicinal Chemistry | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Track 12: Neuroscience and Neurochemistry
The study of neurochemicals that are generated by and that modulate the nervous system is Neurochemistry. The multidisciplinary science that is concerned with the study of the structure and function of the nervous system is Neuroscience. Oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine and other neurotransmitters and neurotransmitter-regulating substances are the Neurochemicals. It refers to the chemical processes that occur in the brain and nervous system. It is the chemistry that occurs in the human brain and the nerve cell, helps humans in communicating signals. The flourishing academic field that contributes to our understanding of molecular, cellular and medical neurobiology is Neurochemistry. It deals with the role of chemicals that build the nervous system, it explores the function of neurons and glial cells in health and disease, it reveals how degenerative processes are at work in the nervous system and it discovers aspects of cell metabolism and neurotransmission.
Related Journals: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry | Future Medicinal Chemistry | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Track 13: Pharmaceutical Analysis
The series of process for identification, determination, quantification, and purification is involved in the practical chemistry where the Pharmaceutical Analysis comes under this process. This is mainly used for segregating the components from the mixture and for the determination of the structure of the compounds. The substance can be designed in any of the dosage forms and contains either single or mixture of compounds.
Related Journals: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry | Future Medicinal Chemistry | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Track 14: Overview on Pharmaceutical Industry
The pharmaceutical industry is an being developed each day by producing the new pharmaceutical product such as capsules, medications, vaccines in the market to reduce the prevalence of the diseases and to enhance the quality of human life. The industry’s innovative technological development by advancement in research to attain the health care accordingly to the demand of the people in the world. The global market for Pharmaceutical industries is expected that by 2021 to achieve at the maximum of their annual rate of 4.9% to $1.3 trillion.
Related Journals: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry | Future Medicinal Chemistry | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Track 15: Green Chemistry in Pharmaceutical Industry
Preventing environment pollution is an essential issue in the current world than cleaning up the atmosphere. By tradition, chemists have designed product that is effective and economical. They need to think about the waste generated throughout the process of the new chemicals and product and its toxicity. Inventing any novel product that is of concern to North American country or ecosystems ultimately goes into the environment at the top of the lifetime of these substances, resulting in accumulation, degradation, and toxicity. Hence, it's invariably higher to settle on the process protocols that generate minimum Industrial waste and finished product with few chemicals usage and synthesis steps. Our science builds on nice achievements by chemicals and chemists. It’s been quite a hundred and fifty years that we've not been finding the way to create new molecules.
Related Journals: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry | Future Medicinal Chemistry | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Track 16: Research Work in Pharmaceutical Technologies
Research and Development can be defined as innovative and experimental work undertaken on a systematic basis to increase the stock of knowledge including search of new molecules, synthesis and modification of known molecules and also some methods to increase production rate by adopting diverse techniques. Superior quality R&D work requires an excellent back up from what are called the support functions. These include analytical, information services and technology, intellectual property and regulatory affairs. The management of these functions, especially the laboratory based analytical service, requires many of the skills associated with core R&D and will therefore not be treated separately in any detail, except to point out their relationship and role within the organization.
Related Journals: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry | Future Medicinal Chemistry | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Track 17: Pharma Market Research Analysis
Market Research involves gathering, recording and analysing information about customers, competitors and markets in a systematic way. Results from this research, surveys or focus groups is then used to make product decisions based on real feedback.
Track 18: pharmaceutical education and practice
Standards of initial education and training for pharmacists set out the criteria against which we will approve education and training for student pharmacists and pre-registration trainee pharmacists. The standards ensure that newly registered pharmacists are competent to practice safely and effectively. The mission of pharmacy education is to prepare graduates who provide patient centered care that ensures optimal medication therapy outcomes and provides a foundation for specialization in specific areas of pharmacy practice; to participate in the education of patients, other health care providers and future pharmacists, to conduct research and scholarly activity and to provide service and leadership to the community.
Related Journals: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry | Future Medicinal Chemistry | European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry.
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