Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
Title: Analysis of Cathinone and Cathine in Crimson and Green Catha edulis by GC-MS and Determination of The Spermicidal Activity
Biography: Azrifitria
Catha edulis (khat) fresh leaves and tops are chewed or dried and consumed as tea. It is habitually chewed by many peoples in Yemen, East Africa and Indonesia. The abuse of Catha edulis (khat), widely, has been increasing since the mid-2000s. These substances are derivatives of the naturally occurring compound cathinone, which is the primary psychoactive component of khat. There were two types of khat leaves, that called crimson and green khat. The difference found in the branches which crimson khat had twigs maroon red and the green khat had brownish green. Viewing of cathinone and cathine levels used GC-MS because the components can be analyzed and characterized by exploiting the properties of their volatility. The efficiency for the extraction and isolation of cathinone and cathine were investigated. GC-MS chromatogram shown a cathinone content on green khat had a peak high 213,800, while the crimson khat had peak high 111,693 which means green khat contains more cathinone that had a retention time of about 22.3 minutes. The Chatine level on green and crimson khat was very low that had a retention time of about 22.7 minutes. The minimum effective concentration of the green and crimson khat khat extract to totally immobilise sperm within 20 seconds was 200 mg/ml. This Study shown that the extract of Catha edulis possesses spermicidal activity and cathinone level at a green khat more high than a crimson khat.