Mark McLaughlin
Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) Dept. of Process Research and Development, USA
Dr. Mark McLaughlin received his Ph.D from Strathclyde University under the joint supervision of Prof. Kerr and Prof. Pauson. He completed two post-doctoral appointments at the University of California, Berkeley with Prof. Rapoport and Prof. Heathcock. He received further education at the ETH, Switzerland (Prof. Diederich) and additional industrial experience at GSK (medicinal chemistry) and Astrazeneca (process chemistry). He joined MSD in 2003 as a Senior Research chemist and is currently a Principal Scientist. In addition to project leader responsibilities for the development of novel chemical processes supporting new drug applications, Mark has served as a “subject matter expert” within the Process Chemistry Dept. at MSD on the topic of mutagenic impurities. Contact: mark_mclaughlin@merck.com; Merck Research Labs PO Box 2000, RY800-C269 Rahway, NJ 07065.
Abstract : Mutagenic Impurities in Pharmaceuticals: ICH M7, Purge Factors and the Mirabilis Project