Nyane NA
University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
My name is Ntsoaki Anna ‘Nyane ,I am African female aged 25 years old, who studied BPharm Degree at University Of Lesotho. I enrolled in my studies at University of KwaZulu-Natal where I am currently doing my Research under the department of Pharmacology, School of Health Sciences. I am in my second year of Masters. I was awarded first prize (30000-travel voucher) in research symposium 2016 for winner in the Masters oral category held by College of Health sciences. I have also assisted the Honours students with their Laboratory Experiments. I am doing lecturing on third level and fourth level at University of KwaZulu-Natal in school of Pharmacy. I have two accepted manuscript in Journal of Pharmacology and the other is PLOS ONE.
Abstract : Characterising Chalo-Naringenin Analogs as Putative Therapeutic Agents for Type 2 Diabetes